CWS Training

Seta Accredited training


DO YOU PAY SDL? Skills Development Levies

We can help you claim back your levies if you do training.
Contact us at

Personal Info

We are taught by the scriptures to have charity in our heart and to help those in need. All God expects from us is obedience. We believe in obedience to God, to help those in need, and to empower those who need help to help themselves, and to support their families My inspiration comes with the following verse in the scriptures “Isa 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”

Wynand Storm
Director / Head of Health, Safety and Training


Need Training done contact us at 082 924 9097 or email us at for a quotation

We do training on site. Annual or by annual workshops to remind everyone about the health and safety rules done with little loss of time

We also work with THE AC GUARDIAN FOUNDATION NPC to empower people that need help in the form of training to get a job or better job to help look after their families. To apply call 082 924 9097 or email us at

